Friday, 13 January 2012


Well hello and welcome to the blog of maun  this is not a news site on maun (as maun already has a great news paper The Ngami Times) but this is rather to provide amusing stories for those who like to hear that maun is just staying the same.
also do feel free to leave comments
so here we go
first a bit about maun for those of you who may not know. maun is a small and growing town in Botswana ( thats in Africa) It is also Known as the gate way to the okavango delta. it is also known as one of the most dirty towns in Botswana (in fact it is a village) yet the name maun means Place of Reeds because of the river that runs through it and because of the good flood waters in the past few years maun is living up to it name again.maun also got hundreds of donkeys probably  10 to every tree found in maun. but maun is a place you will find your self forever coming back to. well thats my first post thanks for reading—– the man from maun

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